
Thursday, November 4, 2010

One BG Election Update

The Bottom Line?  It's still too close to call.

And time to begin verifying the provisional votes.

So all you provisional voters out there (STUDENTS!) find a current utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck information from the BGSU Bursar with your Bowling Green address and return it to the board of elections.  Otherwise your vote won't count.

We have until next weekend to put this anti-discimination legislation into effect.  So get it together with some proof.  We've come too far to lose this on a technicality.  For real.

With anticipation killing all of us, what's the best way to pass the hours?  Dance it out. 

One Bowling Green threw one hell of a party at the Clazel as soon as the polls closed Tuesday night.

The crowd anxiously awaited results that simply couldn't be produced that evening.  Is it illegal to discriminate against LGBT persons for employment or housing in our city?  Not yet...

At first there were whispers that with 75% of the vote in, a certain loss was in the future.  Moments later, rumors spread of a guaranteed success.

Attendants held on tightly while riding an emotional roller-coaster and no one was sure what to think.  In the midst of the confusion, community Organizer Jane Rosser commended everyone for their efforts in a truly grassroots movement. 

With special thanks to Bowling Green State University's Campus Team, tirelessly soliciting the support of the student voters so necessary for passing both Ordinances 7905 and 7906.

The final word from Campaign Manager Kim Welter?  "We think we're gonna win!"  But only time will tell.


  1. I think it's sad that it's even a debate. Discrimination is wrong. Plain and simple.

  2. There's lots to be sad about;

    The insane amount of opposition these ordinances met. The fact that so many people are still just homophobic, plain and simple. The scare tactics used by those who believe transgender is synonymous with child molester. The fact that people are willing to forfeit the rights of veterans and pregnant women to ensure they can continue to discriminate against LGBT persons.

    However, there is hope in this campaign as well. First of all, we are not defeated. Second, if a place like Bowling Green, Ohio can provide a fair and welcoming community, or at least legislate it, there is nothing stopping this country from securing LGBTQIA rights on a national level.

    When the Gay and Lesbian Task Force wanted to convince people in California to donate money to their organization, they used the example of Kalamazoo, Michigan and their victory in the midwest to encourage financial support.

    I dream that Bowling Green could one day serve as example of what can be accomplished in middle America with a progressive agenda.
